Why did Fridays For Future get trademarked?

To protect the Fridays For Future name from commercial or political misuse.

Who decides what misuse of the Fridays For Future name is? What is misuse in this context?

It all depends on what kind of misuse has taken place (this will be dealt with on a case to case basis, but we hope the movement doesn’t have to defend itself in this regard). Most commonly it will be the board that makes decisions based on advice and opinions from the relevant advisory board for where the misuse is taking place. There is an advisory board which is a group of Fridays For Future activists from countries or regions impacted by the trademark who advise the board on how to handle trademark misuse in their country/region. Misuse can be many things, however, most prominently the foundation will focus on companies and individuals not a part of the FFF movement making a profit, or furthering their own political careers, off of Fridays For Future.